Kelly Schmid
Teaching& Research Portfolio
Curriculum vitae
Kelly M. Schmid
Cornell University Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Corson Hall Ithaca, NY 14853
Doctor of Philosophy-Biology, January 2017- May 2020 (Advisor: J.R. Wiles)
Certificate in University Teaching, granted by the SU Graduate School through the WiSE program
Syracuse University, College of Arts and Sciences, Syracuse, NY
Master of Science – Biology, August 2014-August 2016 (Advisor: J. Friedman)
Syracuse University, College of Arts and Sciences, Syracuse, NY
Bachelor of Science – Biological Science, Cum Laude, September 2009-May 2013
Rowan University, College of Science and Mathematics, Glassboro, NJ
Postdoctoral Research (Cornell University), July 2020 – present
Honoring the Complexity of Genetics– Exploring how undergraduate learning of multifactorial genetics affects belief in genetic determinism
Advisor: M.K. Smith
Investigating how teaching undergraduate genetics using a multifactorial genetics, rather than Mendelian genetics, affects students’ belief in genetic determinism.
Ph.D. Research (Syracuse University), January 2017 - May 2020
Undergraduate research experiences in biology: Roles of mentors and impacts of early exposure and types of engagement on student outcomes
Advisor: J.R. Wiles
Investigating the effects of different types of undergraduate biology research experiences on students’ science identities, self-efficacy, goals, achievement, and other outcomes, as well as the role of mentors within the lab.
Master’s Research (Syracuse University), August 2014 - August 2016
The effects of genetic and environmental variation on growth and flowering
Advisor: J. Friedman
Investigating the effect of photoperiod on flowering time and growth in a single population of M. guttatus that exhibits phenotypic variability.
Independent Undergraduate Lab/Field Research (Rowan University), January - May 2013
Herbivory and plant defense mechanisms: Glucosinolate production response in two Brassica species
Advisor: T. Scott
Studied the relationships between herbivory, phytochemical production, and resource allocation.
2021 Schmid, K.M., Wiles, J.R. Call her a scientist: The role of mentors in faculty lab-based undergraduate biology research experiences and outcomes for student science identity. The American Biology Teacher, (accepted, in press).
Schmid, K.M., Dunk, R.D.P., & Wiles, J.R. 2021 Early Exposure of primary literature and interactions with scientists influence novice students views on the nature of science. Journal of College Science Teaching, 50(6).
Schmid, K. M., & Wiles, J. R. 2019. An introduction to biological research course for undergraduate biology students. Journal of College Science Teaching, 49(1), 48–52.
Rubin* M.J., Schmid, K. M. * & Friedman, J. 2018. Assortative mating by flowering time and its effect on correlated traits in variable environments. Ecology and Evolution 00: 1–11. Article DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4765. *equal contribution.
August 2021-December 2021(Cornell University)
Evolution, BIOEE/STS1180
Worked with a colleague to co-teach this non-majors course (50 students). Independently designed and delivered in-class lectures and active learning modules. Collaborated on quiz design and the development of assignments. Held regular office hours and mentored students as necessary.
January 2018 - May 2018 (Syracuse University)
Introduction to Biological Research, BIO200
Designed and implemented a seminar-style, writing-intensive course for first or second year biology or biology-related, majors; with the goal of improving science communication skills, ability to read primary literature, familiarity with biological research concepts, better understanding of the processes of science. Taught 2 sections (15 students total).
HHMI Active Learning Fellow
September 2018 - May 2020 (Syracuse University)
This fellowship was funded by an Inclusive Excellence grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
General Biology Sequence, BIO121 & BIO123
Designed active learning modules and independently implemented them on a weekly basis in the fall and spring semesters of the large-enrollment (300-600 students) general biology course sequence. These modules have been adopted into the curriculum for the introductory sequence ensuring an inclusive environment of active learning on an on-going basis.
Genetics, BIO326
Worked with professors during an HHMI-funded course redesign to familiarize them with current active learning techniques and helped them to design and implement active learning modules into their course.
Teaching Assistant
August 2014 - May 2016, January 2017 - May 2018 (Syracuse University)
General Biology, BIO121 & BIO124
Taught two lab sections (48 students) per semester (11 sections total); requiring small class instruction, grading course materials, developing new quizzes, held regular office hours, mentor students as necessary.
Ecology and Evolution, BIO345
Conducted in-class review sessions before each of the four exams, held regular office hours, mentored students as necessary, graded course materials.
Genetics, BIO326
Assisted with administration of exams for 200 students.
Mentored undergraduate student (Helen Zhang) who participated in my postdoctoral research, February 2020-presesnt
Mentored undergraduate student (Stephanie-Louise Yacoba Agyemang) who participated in my postdoctoral research, October 2020-presesnt
Summer Undergraduate Research Forum, June 2017 - August 2017, June 201 8- August 2018, June 2019 - August 2019
Mentored undergraduates (Jeff Darkwa and Anna Bjarvin) who assisted in my master’s research, January 2015 - August 2015
Cornell Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Postdoctoral Professional Development group, July 2020-present
Cornell Building Mentoring Skills Certificate Program, February-April 2021
Transitioning from Mentee to Mentor: Getting the most out of being mentored and being a mentor workshop, February 2021
Cornell University course: “Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom,” Fall 2020
Cornell NextGen Professors Program, Fall 2020-Spring 2021
HHMI Inclusive Excellence CHANcE workshop: A Guide to Inclusive Practices, October 2019
HHMI Inclusive Excellence CHANcE Hands-on workshop for Course Transformation, June 2019
Evo-Day Evolutionary Biology of Interacting Organisms Symposium at Cornell University, May 2019
WiSE Future Professoriate Program, November 2017-May 2019
HHMI Inclusive Excellence CHANcE Project Kickoff Workshop, January 2019
Plant Ecology and Evolution reading/journal group, August 2014-May 2018
Evo-Day Phylogenomics Symposium at Cornell University, May 2017
Evo-Day Evolution and Conservation Symposium at Cornell University, May 2016
WiSE Scientific Writing Workshop, January 2016
Center for Reproductive Evolution meeting, August 2014 - May 2016
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department DEIJB curriculum content working group, September 2020 – August 2021
Served on the diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging (DEIJB) curriculum content working group in Cornell University’s Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department.
Biology Graduate Student Organization Curriculum Committee representative, May 2017 - May 2018
Served on Curriculum Committee of the Syracuse University Department of Biology as the Biology Graduate Student Organization’s appointed graduate student representative.
SUPA meeting talks (2), October 2016
Provided two professional development seminars for 35 high school teachers in the Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) program.
Carlock Award for Excellence in Graduate Research in Biology Education, Fall 2019
Syracuse University 2019 Summer Fellowship
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Spring 2018
GSO Travel Award, May 2016, July 2018, February 2020
Biology Travel Award, May 2016, July 2018, June 2019, February 2020
Graduate Student Symposium Best Poster Award, March 2015
Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER)
Association of College and Biology Educators (ACUBE)
K.M. Schmid, D. Lee, M. Weindling, A. Syed, S.L.Y. Agyemang, B. Donovan, G. Radick, M.K. Smith. Undergraduate genetics assessments: What are we assessing and how? Talk at the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology annual conference. Virtual. July 2021.
K.M. Schmid, D. Lee, M. Weindling, A. Syed, S.L.Y. Agyemang, B. Donovan, G. Radick, M.K. Smith. Undergraduate genetics assessments: What are we assessing and how? Talk at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research annual conference. Virtual. July 2021.
K.M. Schmid, D. Lee, B.M. Donovan, & M.K. Smith. Honoring the Complexity of Genetics – Exploring how undergraduate learning of multifactorial genetics affects belief in genetic determinism. Workshop at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research West Conference. Virtual. January 2021.
K.M. Schmid & J.R. Wiles. Exploring Approaches to Engaging Undergraduates in Research: Differential Impacts on Students' Self-efficacy and Science Skills. Talk at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference. Portland, OR. March 2020.
K.M. Schmid & J.R. Wiles. Exploring approaches to engaging undergraduates in research: Differential impacts on students' self-efficacy and science skills. Talk at the Association of College and Biology Educators Conference. Syracuse, NY. October, 2019.
K.M. Schmid & J.R. Wiles. Creating inclusive classroom environments through institutional change towards adopting active learning practices. Poster at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July, 2019.
K.M. Schmid, R.D.P. Dunk, & J.R. Wiles. The effects of an introduction to biological research course on novice students’ views on the nature of science. Talk at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July, 2018
K.M. Schmid & J.R. Wiles. Potential effects of course-based undergraduate research experiences on students’ self-efficacy, research skills, and future goals. Poster at the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research Conference. Minneapolis, MN. July, 2018.
K.M. Schmid & J. Friedman. Intra-population genetic variation for flowering and growth in response to photoperiod. Talk at the Evolution Conference. Austin, TX. June, 2016.
K.M. Schmid & J. Friedman. Effects of different environments on allocation strategies in plants. Talk at Biology Graduate Student Seminar Series. Syracuse, NY. April, 2015.
K.M. Schmid & J. Friedman. Effects of different environments on allocation strategies in plants. Poster at GSO Graduate Student Research Symposium. Syracuse, NY. March, 2015. (Best poster award)
K.M. Schmid, W. Hurley-Rioux, & T. Scott. Herbivory and plant defense mechanisms: Glucosinolate production response in two Brassica species. Poster at Ecological Society of America Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting. Dover, DE. April, 2013.
K.M. Schmid, W. Hurley-Rioux, & T. Scott. Herbivory and plant defense mechanisms: Glucosinolate production response in two Brassica species. Poster at Saint Joseph’s Sigma Xi Research Symposium. Philadelphia, PA. April, 2013.
K.M. Schmid, W. Hurley-Rioux, & T. Scott. Herbivory and plant defense mechanisms: Glucosinolate production response in two Brassica species. Poster at Rowan University STEM Symposium, Glassboro, NJ. April, 2013.